Descubre el poder de la línea Caretaker de Zoomad Labs, con 4 productos excepcionales. Caretaker - Squeeze, un diurético y quema grasas. Caretaker - Sleeper, con melatonina para mejorar el sueño. Caretaker - Map, diseñado para la máxima recuperación muscular. Y Caretaker - BCAA, esenciales para potenciar tu rendimiento. Estos suplementos de aminoácidos son la clave para una suplementación efectiva en tu rutina fitness. Eleva tus resultados y alcanza tus objetivos con la calidad y confianza de la línea Caretaker de Zoomad Labs.

The best amino acid-based products.

Descubre el poder de la línea Caretaker de Zoomad Labs, con 4 productos excepcionales. Caretaker - Squeeze, un diurético y quema grasas. Caretaker - Sleeper, con melatonina para mejorar el sueño. Caretaker - Map, diseñado para la máxima recuperación muscular. Y Caretaker - BCAA, esenciales para potenciar tu rendimiento. Estos suplementos de aminoácidos son la clave para una suplementación efectiva en tu rutina fitness. Eleva tus resultados y alcanza tus objetivos con la calidad y confianza de la línea Caretaker de Zoomad Labs.
Caretaker - Take care of all your needs

The best amino acid-based products.

Recover, build and take care of your muscle mass. More than 6g of instant BCCAs with a 10:1:1 ratio per dose. 

Master Aminoacid Pattern® is a BCAA based Supplement with multiple clinical studies proving MAP as a strength maximizer, endurance enhancer and muscle gainer.

Amino acids reinforced combination together with extracts such as melatonin to enhance rest and muscle recovery during sleep.

Discover 6gr of BCAA´s 10:1:1 mixed with diuretic and fat burning ingredients


A new Supplement with 14g of amino acids per dose designed to recover, build and take care of your muscle mass along with a mix of electrolytes to promote hydration during and after training.

🟤 Fresh Cola

🔴 Strawberry cream

🟠 Silk Orange

🟡 Cool Lemon

🟢 Tropic Madness

🔵 Twister Berries

🟣 Cherry Bomb

The most effective and complete patented essential amino acid Supplement on the market with clinical studies that support its effectiveness.

MAP® provides 99% net nitrogen retention compared to 30% on average for the best whey.

🔴 Strawberry Cream

🟠 Silk Orange

🟡 Cool Lemon

🟣 Cherry Bomb


Amino acids Supplement reinforced with specific extracts that promote rest and muscle recovery during sleep.

We have added to our essential amino acids supplement a Sleep Complex:  1.9mg of Melatonin, 499mg of GABA, 125mg of 5-HTP, 100mg of chamomile extract, 60mg of Passionflower extract, 50mg of Theanine and 30mg of Lavender extract.

Sleeping will never be a problem again!

🟤 Fresh Cola

🔴 Strawberry cream

🟠 Silk Orange

🟡 Cool Lemon

🟣 Cherry Bomb


BCAAs 10:1:1 with 2gr of Carnipure® and Diuretic Complex.

We have used these ingredients with diuretic action because eliminating liquids deposited under the skin is a priority when objectives must be met. They can also help the loss of subcutaneous fat thanks to 2gr of L-Carnitine tartrate L-Carnipure®, which accelerates the breakdown of fats.

🟤 Fresh Cola

🟡 Cool Lemon

🟣 Cherry Bomb