The best amino acid-based products.
Recover, build and take care of your muscles. More than 6g of instant BCCAs with a 10:1:1 ratio per dose.
Master Aminoacid Pattern® is an essential amino acids supplement with multiple clinical studies demonstrating that MAP maximizes strenght, endurance and muscle gains.
Amino acids reinforced combination together with extracts such as melatonin to enhance rest and muscle recovery during sleep.
Discover 6gr of BCAA´s 10:1:1 mixed with diuretic and fat burning ingredients
The best amino acid-based products.
Recover, build and take care of your muscle mass. More than 6g of instant BCCAs with a 10:1:1 ratio per dose.
Master Aminoacid Pattern® is a BCAA based Supplement with multiple clinical studies proving MAP as a strength maximizer, endurance enhancer and muscle gainer.
Amino acids reinforced combination together with extracts such as melatonin to enhance rest and muscle recovery during sleep.
Discover 6gr of BCAA´s 10:1:1 mixed with diuretic and fat burning ingredients
A new Supplement with 14g of amino acids per dose designed to recover, build and take care of your muscle mass along with a mix of electrolytes to promote hydration during and after training.
🟤 Fresh Cola
🔴 Strawberry cream
🟠 Silk Orange
🟡 Cool Lemon
🟢 Tropic Madness
🔵 Twister Berries
🟣 Cherry Bomb
The most effective and complete patented essential amino acid Supplement on the market with clinical studies that support its effectiveness.
MAP® provides 99% net nitrogen retention compared to 30% on average for the best whey.
🔴 Strawberry Cream
🟠 Silk Orange
🟡 Cool Lemon
🟣 Cherry Bomb
Amino acids Supplement reinforced with specific extracts that promote rest and muscle recovery during sleep.
We have added to our essential amino acids supplement a Sleep Complex: 1.9mg of Melatonin, 499mg of GABA, 125mg of 5-HTP, 100mg of chamomile extract, 60mg of Passionflower extract, 50mg of Theanine and 30mg of Lavender extract.
Sleeping will never be a problem again!
Fresh Cola
BCAAs 10:1:1 with 2gr of Carnipure® and Diuretic Complex.
We have used these ingredients with diuretic action because eliminating liquids deposited under the skin is a priority when objectives must be met. They can also help the loss of subcutaneous fat thanks to 2gr of L-Carnitine tartrate L-Carnipure®, which accelerates the breakdown of fats.